In June 2008 Unique Solutions signed a 3 year preferred supplier contract with Network Rail for provision of Team Building and Facilitation. This means that any budget holder within Network Rail has to use one of 6 companies who have been specially selected based on quality of service and return on investment.

What Unique Solutions have been up to recently. Who we are working with and what is coming up.
Network Rail Prefered Supplier Contract
East Midlands Brokerage Services
Unique Solutions have been accepted onto the register of East Midlands Brokerage Services. This has been collated to help businesses find the right supplier to meet their business development needs.
Cultural Transformation Tools
Why is it now more important than ever to examine your business values and culture?
Unique Solutions are now pleased to be licensed to offer the range of Cultural Transformation Tools (CTT) developed by Richard Barrett, author of Building a Values-Driven Organization.
Team building & CSR
Mixing corporate social responsibility and learning and development with innovative team building, Unique Solutions have been responsible for two Midlands special schools and a children's charity benefiting massively.
A teams learning objectives are exactly matched to a project with a real outcome and client/user.